Marathon Lettering

Happy Sunday, y’all!!

I went almost 1 month without a lettering assignment and then… BANG!! My project coordinator gives me 3 Harlequin titles with the first 2 having 36 hr deadlines, which tells me that the previous letterer probably flaked.

***Begins rant*** The only frustrating part was the second title wasn’t interpreted well and the editor didn’t catch it. Had to ask for an extension since I did a LOT of rewriting due to business, accounting, landscaping, and architectural terms. I was also surprised to see some of the terms still in Japanese, so I spent a bit of time researching their English equivalents for ones I didn’t know.

All in all I’m happy to be lettering again, but it would be nice if the editor(s) would take their time instead of speeding through. *shrugs* I guess that’s just the editor in me talking.***Ends rant***

Now back to lettering the third assignment. Wishing y’all a beautiful day!!

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